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How to set up a custom domain in VideoAsk

Would you like to have a fully branded videoask? Not only can you remove our branding and add your own, but you can also use your own domain in the URL of your videoasks to hide any mention of VideoAsk. 

Take a look at our pricing page to see which plan you'll need to set up a custom domain.

To get set up, watch this tutorial video below or keep reading for a step-by-step guide.

By default, all videoask URLs start with "videoask.com" followed by a randomly generated combination of letters and numbers, often referred to as a "slug" in technical terminology.


Adding a custom domain, allows you to change the videoask.com portion of the URL so it appears as if the videoasks are hosted on your own site. Note that this will only allow you to customize the URL itself, not the slug.


To enable this, you'll need to point your subdomain towards VideoAsk using a CNAME record, and point your branding in VideoAsk towards your subdomain.

Jump to:

Add a CNAME record

Add a custom domain to your brand

SSL certificates

Custom domain content

Remove a custom domain from your brand


Add a CNAME record

Custom domains can be used with any subdomain (i.e., whatever.mydomain.com), but currently are not supported for proxied domains.

Note, the subdomain you use will only be able to display videoasks, not other types of content like your homepage or blog.


Sign in to your account with your domain host provider (i.e., GoDaddy, HostGator, Bluehost, etc).


Locate where your domain's DNS (Domain Name System) records are managed. This will vary from provider to provider. It may be called DNS Management, Name Server Management, or Advanced Settings, located in your CPanel or elsewhere within your provider's dashboard.

Learn how to add a CNAME record for: GoDaddy, Siteground, HostGator, Bluehost, Hostinger, 123-reg



Locate the CNAME records for the subdomain you want to use. You may already have one or more records resembling:



If required, select which domain you want to add a CNAME record to.



Choose Add a CNAME record. Enter the Name of the subdomain you want to use for your videoasks. 


Note: Some domain providers will autofill the ending of your URL. For example, if you type whatever.mydomain.com they will update this to: whatever.mydomain.com.mydomain.com. Double-check your subdomain URL to make sure you are adding the desired CNAME record.


In the CNAME or "point to" field enter alias.videoask.com.


Note: There are different types of DNS records. "A" records are used to point a domain to an IP address, while "CNAME" records are used whenever you want to associate a new subdomain with an already existing A record. Make sure you have added a CNAME record.


Click Save or Add CNAME Record.


That's it! Under your list of records, you should now see a CNAME record pointing from your subdomain towards alias.videoask.com.

Note: It can take up to 24 hours for new DNS information to propagate. 

Add a custom domain to your brand

Now that you've created your CNAME record, go back to your VideoAsk account and add your custom domain (e.g. whatever.mydomain.com) to a brand you have created.

Note: This setting is only available when using VideoAsk in your web browser.


Log in to your VideoAsk account and select the videoask you want to add the custom domain to. Click Build to open the videoask builder.



Click Settings.



Under Branding, select your chosen branding and click Edit or + Add brand if you want to create a new brand.



Enter the subdomain you want to use for the URL of your videoasks (the same subdomain you just added a CNAME record for).



If you'd like to choose your own favicon (the icon that displays in a browser tab), click Upload or drag and drop your icon file.



Click Save changes.


While things are being set up, a yellow dot will display next to your custom domain name.

Once we are able to detect that your subdomain resolves to alias.videoask.com (i.e., that the two subdomains are talking to each other), the status will be changed to green and you're ready to rock!


Remember that it can take up to 24 hours for DNS information to propagate once you've added your CNAME record, and the clock will start over if you make any changes. 

Note: The same subdomain cannot be used in different brands and across multiple VideoAsk accounts. If a subdomain is already connected to a VideoAsk account, and you try to connect it to a different VideoAsk account, an error message will display telling you the "domain is already connected to another account". You'll need to use a different subdomain for each VideoAsk account.

💡 Pro Tip: If you want to add a custom domain but don't want to display your brand logo on your videoask, you can upload a transparent logo as a PNG file so it won't be visible on your videoask. Be aware that in the unlikely event a respondent clicks on the transparent image, they'll be redirected to the URL you added to the brand.

We've included a transparent image below that you can go ahead and save to your device, then upload as your invisible brand logo. 👻



SSL certificates

An SSL certificate will automatically be generated for any custom domain pointed to alias.videoask.com.

To trigger the creation of an SSL certificate:


Follow the steps above and wait until the custom domain status shows green.


Load a videoask with this brand.

That's it! All videoasks with your brand will now have a securely branded URL (ie https://whatever.mydomain.com/jdontjik).

Custom domain content

Once the custom domain has been added, no other content aside from branded videoasks can be served or displayed on your custom domain.

Because of this, your bare custom domain (e.g. https://whatever.mydomain.com) will automatically redirect to your brand's redirect URL.

Remove a custom domain from your brand

⚠️ Removing a custom domain will revert your videoask URL back to the original VideoAsk branded link. If you've previously shared a videoask URL with a custom domain, you'll need to re-share the original VideoAsk branded link with your respondents.


Click Build to open the videoask builder.



Click Settings.



In the branding section, select the brand associated with the custom domain you want to delete.



Click Edit this brand.



Scroll down and delete your subdomain.


Click Save changes.


How can I check my records are fully propagated?

You can check that your DNS records are fully propagated on DNSchecker.org

I'm getting a red light in VideoAsk after entering the subdomain I want to use for the URL of my videoasks. I confirmed everything is fully propagated on DNSchecker.org but the red light is still there. 

Make sure you’re just entering in the URL (e.g. ask.mydomain.com) and not including an unnecessary character at the end like a forward slash /


I created my CNAME record but the circle is still yellow. Why hasn't it turned green?

It can take up to 24 hours for new DNS information to propagate. Please wait up to 24 hours for the green light to activate from the time you entered the CNAME record. If you make any changes, the counter will start again and you'll need to wait up to another 24 hours.

I shared my videoask before adding my custom domain. Now I've added my custom domain, will the old link still work?

Yes. Both links will continue to work as expected.

What happens to my videoask link when I remove the custom domain?

The videoask link with the custom domain won't work and your videoask link will revert back to its original VideoAsk branded URL. You'll need to re-share the original VideoAsk branded URL with your respondents. 

Can I use the same subdomain more than once across different VideoAsk accounts?

No, unfortunately not. You can only use your subdomain in one account and within one brand you create. If you try to connect the same subdomain to a second account, you'll receive an error message telling you that the domain is already connected to another account.

Check out this post in the VideoAsk Community 🗣 for more tips and tricks on setting up a custom domain.


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